
A Recipe for Impact? Strengthening academic engagement with Parliament

Reporting on new research that looks at the way parliamentary staff wish academics would engage with Parliament, Katharine Dommett argues that researchers would benefit from not only rethinking where and how they target research, but also the very form academic research should take.


Research Impact and Parliament

Impact and Parliament event 1On Monday, 02 November, the Research Impact and Parliament event was held. This was a great success, with great positive feedback. The event was about how academia’s research can have an impact on Parliament, which included some of our Specialist Group members who were there to showcase their research.


The impact of academia on Parliament: 45 percent of Parliament-focused impact case studies were from social sciences

Please note that this piece was originally published on the LSE Impact Blog on 19 October (available here), and has been re-published with permission from the Impact Blog and the author.

By Caroline Kenny

The impact case studies, submitted as part for the REF, tell an interesting story about how UK academia interacts with policy at a local, national and international level. Over 40 per cent of cases mentioned impact on policy as part of their narrative.


Research Impact and Parliament

Monday 2nd November, 1.15 – 6pm
Attlee Suite, Portcullis House

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST), Parliamentary Outreach and Research Councils UK (RCUK) would like to invite you to an interactive event showcasing the ways that research has informed parliamentary processes.