
PSA Conference Panels

We’re delighted to announce our panels for the PSA Annual Conference 2021, which is taking place online 29th-31st March.

Thank you to everyone who submitted paper and panel proposals – we have a fantastic selection of research to showcase over five panels as detailed below.

Registration is now open. We look forward to seeing you virtually!

Questions, content, and language in parliamentary proceedings

Issue Ownership vs Wave-Riding: an evaluation of Priority Congruence between political parties and the public in Questions to the Prime Minister (Mark Shepherd, Mia McGraith Burns)

PMQs and FMQs: A comparative analysis of personalisation and face-threatening acts in questions to Ministers (Sebastian Ludwicki-Ziegler)

Language and Participation in Turbulent Times: A linguistic analysis of turn-taking and floor apportionment in the in the UK House of Commons 2018-2020 (Sylvia Shaw)

Representation and diversity in the legislature

From Designing to Building a Feminist House: Proxy Voting for ‘Baby Leave’, A Case Study (Sarah Childs)

From Candidate to Elected Member: How does Structured and Informal Induction Shape the Roles of MPs in the UK and Canada? (Louise Cockram)

Doing the Lords’ Business: How Pre-Political Careers Shape Legislative Engagement in the British House of Lords (David Parker, Allison Reinhardt, Sheridan Johnson)

Server to the People: Measuring Dyadic Representation Using Twitter Data (Daniel Braby, Marius Sältzer)

Parliamentary relations and powers

Legitimacy and Representative Democracy: Inter-parliamentary Relations in the Devolved UK (Margaret Arnott)

Minority government in the UK: Why do they form? (Andrew Jones)

Parliamentary impact on Government legislation: the Scottish Parliament from 1999-2019 (Steven MacGregor)

Parliamentary Influence on Brexit Legislation: Who, What, and When?’ (Tom Fleming)

Parliament’s relationship with anti-corruption agencies in Indonesia, Pakistan and the Maldives (Franklin De Vrieze)

Parliaments and the pandemic

Small parties and legislatures during the coronavirus pandemic (Louise Thompson, Alexandra Meakin)

Impact of House of Common hybrid proceeding on members participation during COVID-19 pandemic (Wang Leung Ting)

Voices of European Parliament: Concerns, Expectations and Opportunities for EU and its International Partners During Covid-19 (Tugba Aydin Halisoglu)