
PSA Parliament Week

Over the course of Parliament Week, members of our specialist group organised workshops around the country from the University of Surrey to the University of Strathclyde to spread knowledge about the role of Parliament, and to seek ideas for the improvement of the way our parliamentary democracy works.


Parliament Week at the University of Strathclyde

For Parliament Week, the University of Strathclyde held a workshop as part of Parliament Week. One student offers his reflections here.


Essay Competition 2016

Following the success of our Essay Competition 2015, we are pleased to announce the launch of our Essay Competition 2016! The winner will be presented with a prize of £150. Last year’s winner was presented the award in the House of Commons by the Clerk of the House.


Research Impact and Parliament

Impact and Parliament event 1On Monday, 02 November, the Research Impact and Parliament event was held. This was a great success, with great positive feedback. The event was about how academia’s research can have an impact on Parliament, which included some of our Specialist Group members who were there to showcase their research.


The Real X Factor: Voting past, present and future

Event hosted by Parliamentary Outreach and Politics and History at the University of Huddersfield

In May 2015 millions of people around the country voted in a General Election. This autumn millions of votes will be cast from computers and phones around the UK for reality TV shows. Cinema goers will also see Suffragette, which tells a story of the women who demanded the right to vote.


PSA Conference 2016: Panels and papers

We are pleased to announce our planned panels for the Annual PSA Conference, to be held on 21-23 March 2016, in Brighton. At #psa16, we will have six panels, covering a range of parliamentary and legislative issues, as well as a lunch time event, covering research impact and its relationship to Parliament. Titles and authors are listed here, but may be subject to change. We will try to add further details as and when they become available.


Research Impact and Parliament

Monday 2nd November, 1.15 – 6pm
Attlee Suite, Portcullis House

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST), Parliamentary Outreach and Research Councils UK (RCUK) would like to invite you to an interactive event showcasing the ways that research has informed parliamentary processes.


PSA Conference 2016

brighton pier


Following on from our successful events and panels at this year’s PSA Conference, we hope to have an equally successful series of panels at the 2016 Annual Conference, which will be held in Brighton on 21st -23rd March 2016.  The group should be able to run three or four panels at the conference.

If you would be interested in presenting an individual paper as part of our specialist group panel, please complete a  Paper Proposal Form with an abstract of no more than 250 words by Thursday 1st October 2015. We will then be in touch by 8th October to let you know if your paper has been successful.

If you would be interested in putting together a panel for the conference please complete a Panel Proposal Form by Thursday 1st October 2015. We will then be in touch by 8th October to let you know if your paper has been successful.

This call is open to all members of the group. Postgraduate students who wish to present would be eligible to apply to the PSA Postgraduate Access Fund for financial support to attend the conference.

Image: Michael Bamford CC BY-NC-ND


Newsletter, 13 July 2015

Our newsletters are usually sent out once every three to four weeks directly to your email. For more information on membership and how to receive regular direct updates from the group, please click here.


Summary of PhD Research Workshop

On 25 June, the specialist group (SG) held a research workshop on research methods for doctoral research students and early career academics, which provided a rich source of information and sharing of ideas between attendees.