
June 2017 Newsletter

In our June 2017 newsletter we have information on the following for you:

  1. Qualitative methods workshop
  2. Study of Parliament Group
  3. Update to our Annual Conference
  4. Writing workshop: consultation
  5. Recently on the blog

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, please let us know (including events, new research projects, grants, publications, etc.). Or other ideas for the group and feedback for us, they’re welcome too!

Best wishes,
Marc (@marcgeddes), Louise (@LouiseVThompson), Alex (@A_Meakin) and Leanne (@LeanneMarieC)


May 2017 newsletter

This month, we have lots of detailed information on the following for you:

  1. Our Annual Conference in November!
  2. Qualitative methods workshop
  3. Essay Competition 2017
  4. Writing workshop: consultation
  5. French legislative elections
  6. PSA branding changes
  7. Recently on the blog

Apologies that there is lots to read!! But we hope that some – if not – all of the below will be interesting.

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, please let us know (including events, new research projects, grants, publications, etc.). Or other ideas for the group and feedback for us, they’re welcome too!

Best wishes,
Marc (@marcgeddes), Louise (@LouiseVThompson), Alex (@A_Meakin) and Leanne (@LeanneMarieC)


March 2017 newsletter

Welcome to our special conference newsletter, jam packed with panels and events for you to enjoy during your trip to Glasgow for the Political Studies Association Conference.  We will be hosting six excellent panels, sponsoring a roundtable on ‘Designing for Democracy’ and of course, there will be a specialist group AGM where we will be discussing our plans for the coming year.

See below for a more detailed timetable of each of these events,
plus our specialist group drinks on the evening of Monday 10 April. We’d love to see you all there. This will also be a good opportunity to get to know our new SG team! We’ve also highlighted a couple of other panels which we think will be of interest to members (and which contain expert members of our group!).

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Best wishes,

Marc (@marcgeddes), Louise (@LouiseVThompson), Alex (@A_Meakin) and Leanne (@LeanneMarieC)


February 2017 newsletter

This month, we have information on the following for you:

  1. New officer team
  2. PSA Annual Conference, 2017
  3. Essay Competition 2017
  4. Event: Seminar on reform of Scottish Parliament
  5. Event: Parliament, Data and Democracy
  6. Recently on the blog

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, please let us know (including events, new research projects, grants, publications, etc.).

Best wishes,
Marc (@marcgeddes), Louise (@LouiseVThompson), Alex (@A_Meakin) and Leanne (@LeanneMarieC)


Newsletter, 01 July 2016

Hello everyone,

A quick newsletter today – there’s plenty of excitement going on in politics already! Please see information below on the following:

  1. Parliaments & Legislatures One day conference, 28 October
  2. Event about the Liaison Committee,  7 July
  3. EU referendum conference, 16 September
  4. Research Assistant Job, deadline 17 July
  5. Quantitative methods workshop, 16 September

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, let us know – it could be about disseminating an event, new research, new publication etc. Please avoid sending attachments; where possible, we would prefer circulating more substantive information through web links instead

Best wishes,
Cristina (@estrangeirada), Louise (@louiseVThompson) and Marc (@marcgeddes)


Newsletter, 16 June 2016

Newsletter sent out to all members – copied here in case you missed it. You can also view it through MailChimp here.

Hello everyone,

A packed newsletter today – lots happening. Please see information below on the following:

  1. Our first one day conference, 28 October
  2. House of Commons Academic Fellows
  3. Quantitative methods for legislative studies workshop – Birmingham
  4. Textbook Exploring Parliament
  5. Job advert, Birmingham
  6. Election of member to PGN
  7. Essay competition
  8. Publication on Financial Privilege
  9. On the blog

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, let us know – it could be about disseminating an event, new research, new publication etc. Please avoid sending attachments; where possible, we would prefer circulating more substantive information through web links instead.

Best wishes,
Cristina (@estrangeirada), Louise (@louiseVThompson) and Marc (@marcgeddes)


Newsletter, 21 December 2015

Hello everyone,

Our last newsletter for 2015. Please see information below on the following:

  1. PSA 2016 annual conference (Brighton) – registration open
  2. Essay competition 2016
  3. Concepts and Practices in Security – call for papers
  4. England and the EU – call for papers
  5. On the blog
  6. Committee inquiries

All best wishes for a relaxed festive season and all the very best for 2016. Here is some music to get you into a festive mood – think of this when you’re in that dreary commute to work.

Best wishes to you all,
Cristina (@estrangeirada), Louise (@louiseVThompson) and Marc (@marcgeddes)


Newsletter, 11 June 2015

Our newsletters are usually sent out once every three to four weeks directly to your email. For more information on membership and how to receive regular direct updates from the group, please click here.

Hello everyone,

Please see information below on the following – a long list, but very short items, a good read for a Friday;):

  1. Job vacancy, House of Commons library
  2. PSA placements (paid) in the House of Commons
  3. On the Blog
  4. Essay competition
  5. Group’s members Twitter list
  6. Dissemination of members’ work
  7. Institute for Government report on Select Committees
  8. Women, gender and political leadership workshop
  9. Pre-epop workshop at Exeter
  10. List of nominations for Select Committee Chairs
  11. Planned events: Impact and Parliament Week

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, let us know – it could be about disseminating an event, new research, new publication etc. Please avoid sending attachments; where possible, we would prefer circulating more substantive information through web links instead.

Best wishes,
Cristina (@estrangeirada), Louise (@louiseVThompson) and Marc (@marcgeddes)
PSA Parliaments and Legislatures Specialist Group