
June 2018 newsletter

Welcome to the June edition of our newsletter, including:

  1. Reminder: Qualitative Methods Workshop
  2. Our Conference – call for papers/blogs
  3. Quantitative Methods Workshop – Thank You
  4. Conference: The Evolution of Devolution
  5. Recently on our blog

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, please let us know (including events, new research projects, grants, publications, etc.). Or other ideas for the group and feedback for us, they’re welcome too!

We will have a final newsletter in July, then we will break up for the summer until September.

Best wishes,
Marc (@marcgeddes), Louise (@LouiseVThompson) Alex (@A_Meakin) and Seán (@S_Haughey)


May 2018 newsletter

Welcome to the May edition of our newsletter, including:

  1. Our Conference – call for papers/blogs
  2. FINAL Reminder: Quantitative Methods Workshop
  3. FINAL Reminder: Essay Competition
  4. Invitation to Conference in Seoul, South Korea
  5. New Event: Qualitative Methods Workshop
  6. Written Evidence Published
  7. Recently on our blog

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, please let us know (including events, new research projects, grants, publications, etc.). Or other ideas for the group and feedback for us, they’re welcome too!

Best wishes,
Marc (@marcgeddes), Louise (@LouiseVThompson) Alex (@A_Meakin) and Seán @S_Haughey


April 2018 newsletter

Welcome to the April edition of our newsletter. It’s a long one this time! We have lots and lots of announcements, including:

    1. Specialist Group of the Year!
    2. PSA Annual Conference 2018 – success
    3. New Treasurer
    4. Date for your diary: our annual conference
    5. Exploring Parliament – launch and discount code
    6. Workshop: Lawyering for Legislatures
    7. Summer School: Parliamentary Democracy in Rome
    8. Reminder: quantitative methods workshop
    9. Reminder: Essay Competition
    10. Recently on our blog

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, please let us know (including events, new research projects, grants, publications, etc.). Or other ideas for the group and feedback for us, they’re welcome too!

Best wishes,
Marc (@marcgeddes), Louise (@LouiseVThompson) Alex (@A_Meakin) and Seán @S_Haughey


March 2018 newsletter

Welcome to the March edition of our newsletter, which is packed full. It includes:

  1. PSA Annual Conference 2018 – reminder
  2. Statistical Analysis of Parliaments for Dabblers – 25 May
  3. Essay Competition
  4. Book announcements
  5. Inquiry by the House of Lords Constitution Committee
  6. Call for Papers: From Old Corruption to New Corruption
  7. Recently on our blog

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, please let us know (including events, new research projects, grants, publications, etc.). Or other ideas for the group and feedback for us, they’re welcome too!

Best wishes,
Marc (@marcgeddes), Louise (@LouiseVThompson) and Alexandra (@A_Meakin)


February 2018 newsletter

Welcome to the February edition of our newsletter, which is packed full. It includes:

  1. Where next for the PSA Parliaments Group conference?
  2. Essay Competition 2018
  3. PSA Annual Conference 2018 – reminder
  4. Are you a practitioner wanting to come to conference?
  5. Call for Papers: Committees in Comparative Perspective
  6. Call for Papers: Post-Legislative Scrutiny
  7. Exploring Parliament Textbook Launch
  8. Recently on our blog

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, please let us know (including events, new research projects, grants, publications, etc.). Or other ideas for the group and feedback for us, they’re welcome too!

Best wishes,
Marc (@marcgeddes), Louise (@LouiseVThompson) and Alexandra (@A_Meakin)


December 2017 newsletter

Welcome to the December edition of our newsletter, which includes:

  1. Annual Conference, 17 Nov – huge success!
  2. Feedback and Ideas Wanted
  3. PSA Annual Conference 2018
  4. Second Edition of Parliament and the Law
  5. Recently on the blog

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, please let us know (including events, new research projects, grants, publications, etc.). Or other ideas for the group and feedback for us, they’re welcome too!

Finally, we also want to wish you all the very best over the festive period – Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look forward to welcoming you to our events in 2018 and sending you updates about all the exciting parliamentary stuff that’s inevitably going to happen in the coming 12 months!

Best wishes,
Marc (@marcgeddes), Louise (@LouiseVThompson), Alex (@A_Meakin) and Leanne (@LeanneMarieC)


November 2017 newsletter

Welcome to the November edition of our newsletter, which includes:

  1. PSA Parliaments Annual Conference – Reminder
  2. REF Panels for 2021 – nominations
  3. PSA Annual Conference 2018
  4. Recently on the blog

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, please let us know (including events, new research projects, grants, publications, etc.). Or other ideas for the group and feedback for us, they’re welcome too!

Best wishes,
Marc (@marcgeddes), Louise (@LouiseVThompson), Alex (@A_Meakin) and Leanne (@LeanneMarieC)


October 2017 Newsletter

Welcome to the October edition of our newsletter, which includes:

  1. Register now for PSA Parliaments conference, 17 November
  2. PSA’s International Annual Conference – final call for papers
  3. Joint call for papers: populist parties in established party systems
  4. Our plans for 2018
  5. Recently on the blog

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, please let us know (including events, new research projects, grants, publications, etc.). Or other ideas for the group and feedback for us, they’re welcome too!

Best wishes,
Marc (@marcgeddes), Louise (@LouiseVThompson), Alex (@A_Meakin) and Leanne (@LeanneMarieC)

Blog News

September 2017 Newsletter

Welcome to the September edition of our newsletter, which includes:

  1. PSA’s International Annual Conference – call for papers
  2. Representation – call for special issues
  3. New EVEL website
  4. News from our members
  5. Recently on the blog

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, please let us know (including events, new research projects, grants, publications, etc.). Or other ideas for the group and feedback for us, they’re welcome too!

Best wishes,
Marc (@marcgeddes), Louise (@LouiseVThompson), Alex (@A_Meakin) and Leanne (@LeanneMarieC)


Summer 2017 newsletter

Welcome to the summer edition of our newsletter – and an extra special welcome to all our new members that have accumulated over the past few months. In this month’s newsletter, we’ve got information on the following:

  1. Essay Competition winner
  2. Annual Conference in November
  3. Successful qualitative methods workshop
  4. Scottish Parliament: Commission on Parliamentary Reform – new report
  5. Welsh Assembly: Report on digital engagement published
  6. UCL report on public appointments published
  7. Opportunity – HE consultant for Parliament
  8. Recently on the blog

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, please let us know (including events, new research projects, grants, publications, etc.). Or other ideas for the group and feedback for us, they’re welcome too!

We’ll be taking a break over August, so expect our next newsletter at the end of September. Hope all our members have a great summer break!

Best wishes,
Marc (@marcgeddes), Louise (@LouiseVThompson), Alex (@A_Meakin) and Leanne (@LeanneMarieC)