A little hello from the PSA Parliaments Group team! We hope you had a nice and relaxing summer break and ready to start the term. In our September edition of our newsletter, we have a number of items, including:
- Our Conference – deadline passed
- Essay Competition – Winners!
- #PSA19 – general call for papers OPEN
- #PSA19 – specific calls for papers: e-petitions and party competition
- Event: Parliamentary Lawyers in the UK (Belfast)
- Event: Conference on parliamentary broadcasting
- JOB ALERT: Research Associate, Designing for Democracy
- Congrats to co-convener + new email address
- Request for blogs
- Recently on our blog
If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, please let us know (including events, new research projects, grants, publications, etc.). Or other ideas for the group and feedback for us, they’re welcome too!
Best wishes,
Marc (@marcgeddes), Louise (@LouiseVThompson) Alex (@A_Meakin) and Seán)