Listed below is a selection of useful organisations and resources for those researching parliaments and legislatures. Please email Seán, Diana or Caroline if you would like to add a resource to this page.
Agora (Parliamentary Development Portal)
Broadcasting of parliaments – links to broadcasters specialised on parliament, in Europe and elsewhere (BBC Democracy Live)
Canadian Study of Parliament Group (includes access to Publications)
Centre for Democratic Engagement (University of Leeds)
Constitution Unit (University College London)
ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments
Elections, Public Opinion and Parties Specialist Group (EPOP)
European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation
Global Research Network on Parliaments and People (SOAS University of London, University of Leeds, and the Hansard Society in the UK; JNU in India; the Enlightened Myanmar Research Foundation in Myanmar; and the Forum for Social Studies in Ethiopia)
Institute for Government – Parliament and the constitution
Parliament Book – a website that offers 360 degree views of legislatures across the world
Research Committee of Legislative Specialists (IPSA)
Sir William Dale Centre for Legislative Studies (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies)
Reports and Databases
PARLINE Database on National Parliaments (Inter-Parliamentary Union)
Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST)
Parliamentary Monitor (Institute for Government)
Research Briefings (briefings from the libraries of the House of Commons and House of Lords, UK)
Research Impact at the UK Parliament (Research impact hub for the Westminster Parliament) – see also the Knowledge Exchange Unit on Twitter.
Teaching Resources
Exploring Parliament textbook and Online Resources
Parliament as a Teaching Resource: A Guide for Lecturers
Applying Parliamentary Resources in Teaching: Case Study Portfolio
Referencing Parliamentary Material: A Guide for Students and Lecturers