
Newsletter, 16 June 2016

Newsletter sent out to all members – copied here in case you missed it. You can also view it through MailChimp here.

Hello everyone,

A packed newsletter today – lots happening. Please see information below on the following:

  1. Our first one day conference, 28 October
  2. House of Commons Academic Fellows
  3. Quantitative methods for legislative studies workshop – Birmingham
  4. Textbook Exploring Parliament
  5. Job advert, Birmingham
  6. Election of member to PGN
  7. Essay competition
  8. Publication on Financial Privilege
  9. On the blog

If you have any notices / messages you would like us to circulate to the group, let us know – it could be about disseminating an event, new research, new publication etc. Please avoid sending attachments; where possible, we would prefer circulating more substantive information through web links instead.

Best wishes,
Cristina (@estrangeirada), Louise (@louiseVThompson) and Marc (@marcgeddes)


House of Commons Academic Fellows

Following several months of working on this idea on behalf of the group, we’re very pleased to announce the House of Commons, in partnership with the Political Studies Association (PSA), are implementing the House of Commons Academic Fellowship Scheme.

Events News

Call for Papers: “Making Parliaments Work: What Makes For an Effective Parliament?”

Politicians, the public, think tanks, journalists and academics alike have increasingly focused in recent times on how parliaments and legislatures work and how to make them work better in terms of policy-making, representation, scrutiny and accountability. Yet, despite this focus, the evidence base for making judgments about the effectiveness of parliaments and legislatures is arguably not as extensive as it could be, perhaps partly because of methodological difficulties in assessing the influence, impact and power of these institutions.

This one-day conference of the PSA Parliaments & Legislatures Specialist Group, co-hosted by the University of Birmingham, seeks to concentrate on the evidence – whether qualitative and/or quantitative and from a range of theoretical and analytical traditions – of parliamentary and legislative effectiveness and the effectiveness of parliamentary and legislative reform.

The conference, to be held at the Institute for Government in central London on 28th October 2016, will be followed by the PSA Parliaments & Legislatures Annual Lecture.

To register an interest in presenting a paper, please contact Stephen Bates (s[dot]r[dot]bates[at]bham[dot]ac[dot]uk) with initial ideas before August 31st 2016. We welcome contributions beyond the UK Parliament, namely on the devolved legislatures and/or with a comparative dimension. Registration will open in early September.


BPABLogoPSA Logo 1

Events News

Statistical Analysis of Parliaments and Legislatures for Dabblers

Time: 11.00-15.00 (with lunch provided)
Date: Friday, 16 September 2016
Venue: University of Birmingham (Room TBC)

This workshop is aimed at those with little or no previous experience of quantitative statistics but who believe it may be useful for them in their current or future research.

The workshop will be based around the conveners’ current British Academy-funded research project on select committees. Each stage of the project – from initial inspiration through data collection and analysis to finished article – will be outlined and discussed in terms of both methodological and practical considerations so that participants have an idea of what the research process entails and what hazards and opportunities to look out for along the way. It will cover such things as finding out about available data, the different software that may be useful, and working with external stakeholders and experts.

The workshop will be run by Stephen Bates and Mark Goodwin (who are relative novices when it comes to quantitative statistics) and Steve McKay (who is an old-hand at this kind of thing).

Attendance and lunch are free but participants will have to cover their travel costs.

To register for the workshop, please email Stephen Bates (s.r.bates[at]bham[dot]ac[dot]uk).


Job Opening: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh

The following job advertisement may be relevant to our members:

Politics and International Relations at the University of Edinburgh invites applications for a Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in British Politics.  While all sub-fields of British Politics will be considered, preference may be given to those with research and teaching specialisms in institutions, policy making and legislative studies.  You will have a research record with publications of international significance appropriate to the stage of their careers and must have a demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching. With a research profile at the cutting edge of British Politics, you will further the School’s international reputation for research and its commitment to excellence in teaching, and administration.

Do feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

All good wishes,

Ailsa Henderson, PhD
Professor of Political Science
Head, Politics & International Relations
University of Edinburgh

For more information related to this lectureship, please click here.



Get involved


We publish blogs on parliaments or legislatures each week, and always welcome new posts addressing topical issues or sharing new research. We also welcome blog posts or ideas from practitioners working within a parliament or legislature (for example, the inside look at the House of Lords Library by Matthew Purvis). Our blog includes posts on legislatures from across the globe, at national, sub-national and supra-national levels of governance.

We are very keen to increase the diversity of contributions to our blog, in particular, the number of blogs we publish from women, or people of colour. Blog submissions from early career researchers are also especially welcome.

If you have an idea for a blog and would like to discuss it further, please get in touch with our blog editor, Gavin Hart, at:

We also publish overviews of national parliaments. Check out our current list, and contact us if you would like to contribute.


If you’re on Twitter, you’ll know that we have a twitter account: @psa_parl. We are always happy to tweet/retweet news about our members’ work with parliament, so do copy us in, or use the hashtag #PSAParliaments, which we check regularly.

We welcome members tweeting from our own account for a day to cover specific events. If you (or one of your students) would like to cover a specific event through our Twitter account for a day, please get in touch with us. A few ideas: State Opening of Parliament, the new devolved legislatures, Prime Minister’s Questions, a specific select committee hearing, a specific debate/vote, a conference/workshop on parliaments and legislatures, etc., etc. – it’s whatever you would like to cover as long as it is relevant to the study and understanding of parliament(s). If you want to do this, please get in touch with us!

Events News

Workshops on Methods

At our Annual General Meeting, we discussed the possibility of holding small workshops at a range of universities on methodological issues and training in legislative studies. Any of you could host one of these workshops, and we have funding available to help put these together. They do not need to be large workshops, and could comprise small groups of 6 or so people (or a larger group!). Similarly, it does not need to be a full day activity – a 1h30min workshop would be just as useful as a full day/afternoon one. The idea is that it explores a specific methodology issue in legislative studies. This is to build on the workshop we held last year (details here), and the feedback showed that it would be useful to do more of these but focused on specific approaches/techniques. Stephen Bates (Birmingham) has offered to run a workshop on quantitative analysis for legislative studies, for example.

If anyone else would like to run one in a different area, we would love to hear from you – just get in touch with us. As soon as we have details for workshops, including the one in Birmingham, we will circulate details.

Do get in touch, even if you just want more details about what we have organised so far and/or discuss a possible idea.


Events News

Success at the PSA Annual Conference

We just wanted to share the great success that we had at the PSA Conference in Brighton last week – having held a range of panels and talks throughout Tuesday and Wednesday of the Conference.


Newsletter, 16 February 2016

Hello everyone,

A quick newsletter today. Please see information below on the following:

  1. Our events at 2016 PSA annual conference
  2. Our plans for 2016
  3. Essay competition
  4. On the blog
  5. Committee inquiries
  6. Impact conference at Warwick

If you have any notices/messages that you would like us to circulate to the group, let us know – it could be about disseminating an event, new research, new publication, etc. Please avoid sending attachments. Where possible, we would prefer circulating more substantive information through web links instead.

Best wishes,

Cristina (@estrangeirada), Louise (@LouiseVThompson) and Marc (@marcgeddes)


Newsletter, 21 December 2015

Hello everyone,

Our last newsletter for 2015. Please see information below on the following:

  1. PSA 2016 annual conference (Brighton) – registration open
  2. Essay competition 2016
  3. Concepts and Practices in Security – call for papers
  4. England and the EU – call for papers
  5. On the blog
  6. Committee inquiries

All best wishes for a relaxed festive season and all the very best for 2016. Here is some music to get you into a festive mood – think of this when you’re in that dreary commute to work.

Best wishes to you all,
Cristina (@estrangeirada), Louise (@louiseVThompson) and Marc (@marcgeddes)